" Using AEM
is a no brainer."
As an educator, teaching practitioners who've experienced internal patient burns during
laparoscopic procedures, I believe using Active Electrode Monitoring (AEM) is a no-brainer!
The system is not only efficacious, but also provides a level of safety our surgical teams and
patients expect. We also love that Encision's new AEM EndoShield is intuitive to the end
user. Clinicians are constantly bombarded with technology, and AEM has been really easy to
adopt and use.
In my previous position, I was instrumental at bringing the AEM Burn Protection System on
board; in fact, we were one of the first centers in the U.S. to do a full implementation. I am
well educated in the use of electrosurgery and very familiar with potential injuries caused
by insulation failure and capacitive coupling, especially if the burn is not detected during the
With an electrosurgical burn, the tissue has to die first and then symptoms present them
selves; you likely won't see any perforation during the surgery. It can take days for degrada-
tion of tissue to occur; this is different from traumatic perforation and bowel spillage, which
occurs immediately.
Once I saw what the technology could do to eliminate these patient burns, I was an immedi-
ate believer. I went back to the network's institutions and told them we have to take action.
The implementation was transparent, none of our surgeons made any changes to their
technique and we didn't change the culture of our practice. Encision was excellent at meet-
ing with our staff, carefully matching the instruments we were accustomed to using with
ones in the AEM portfolio. Replicating what the surgeons are accustomed to using is essen-
tial. AEM scissors are sharp, and the consistently solid ergonomics and grips of all the AEM
instrument handles was key to our successful adoption.
" With AEM you save
money in the long run
you know when
(an instrument's) insu
lation is compromised,
you don't have to worry
about the patient's well-
being from stray burns
or the possibility of a
Vangie Dennis, BSN, RN, CNOR, CMLSO
Southern Regional Medical Center
Spivey Station Surgery Center
Advances in Laparoscopic Safety and Performance
6797 Winchester Circle • Boulder, CO USA 80301 • T: 800.998.0986 • F: 303.444.2693 • www.encision.com • info@encision.com
tial. AEM M scissors are sharp, an a d d the consistently s solid ergon onomics s and grips of all the A AEM
instrument h handles was k key to our succes f sful a doptio i n.
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6797 Winchester Circle • Boulder, CO USA 80301 • T: 800.998.0986 • F: 303.444.2693 • www.encision.com • info@encision.com