t's not an overstatement to say that automated fluid waste dis-
posal systems have revolutionized case cleanup and room
turnover after minimally invasive orthopedic fixes and other
procedures in which fluid flows freely. But which system is
right for you?
Clearly the choice of fluid waste management technology encom-
passes a range of practical considerations. As any experienced surgi-
cal administrator or materials manager will tell you, though, the best
place to begin an equipment purchasing decision is in discussions
with your professional peers at facilities that use the equipment. We
asked 4 managers what sold them on the systems they use, and what
they'd change about them.
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O U T P A T I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E O N L I N E | M A Y 2 0 1 5
Test Driving Fluid Waste
Disposal Systems
What do users say about your automated disposal options?
David Bernard | Senior Associate Editor