or plastic surgeon Richard
Vagley, MD, FACS, ensuring
that patients are happy with
scars is one of the key goals
of surgery. "In my business, the scar is the surgical proce-
dure," says Dr. Vagley, of the Pittsburgh Institute of Plastic Surgery.
Whether you use suture, staples, glue or some other adhesive to close skin
wounds, here are 4 ways to minimize scarring.
1. Find the right suture
Dr. Vagley says the correct suture material and the right technique play
equally big parts in producing a good outcome. His personal choice is a
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O U T P A T I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E O N L I N E | M A Y 2 0 1 5
Update on Wound Closure
z NO SMALL THING The size of the scar is sometimes
just as important to patients as the surgical outcome.
Patients often fixate on the obvious reminders of surgery.
Here are 4 ways to minimize scarring in your patients.
Kendal Gapinski
Associate Editor