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O U T P A T I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E O N L I N E | M A Y 2 0 1 5
roundup of the new products that caught our eye at last
month's Association of periOperative Registered Nurses
(AORN) annual conference in Denver.
— Outpatient Surgery Magazine Editors
Products on Display at
Thumbnail sketches of a few new
products that caught our eye.
An Arthroscope You Don't Have to Reprocess
An arthroscope you use once and then throw
away? That's the promise of
the nuvis Single-Use
Arthroscope from
Integrated Endoscopy, the
only single-use rigid endo-
scope on the market. The
nuvis reduces sterility issues
and safety concerns, while
providing first-time quality for
every procedure. The nuvis
uses 12 molded lenses — com-
pared with 32 to 56 ground glass lenses typically used in reusable
arthroscopes — made with the same technology and low-temperature
glass used to mass-produce high-definition, low-cost optics for smart-
phone cameras, says the company. The nuvis also features LED technolo-
gy that provides improved white light at significantly lower tempera-
tures than the fiber optic illumination used in conventional endoscopes.
It will be available nationwide during the third quarter of 2015.