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O U T P A T I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E O N L I N E | M A Y 2 0 1 5
No Director of Nursing? No Problem
Spread managerial responsibilities throughout the staff.
t's challenging to
find a strong,
director of nursing
(DON) who can man-
age all things clinical.
Never mind that
today's DON must also
have a comprehensive
understanding of regu-
latory requirements
and know how to
operate within a limit-
ed budget. The person
with leadership savvy
and the prerequisite
skills isn't always easy
to find, and often diffi-
cult to afford when
you do. And that's OK.
By spreading managerial responsibilities throughout the staff, your
facility can thrive.
Shared accountability
More and more surgical facilities are opting to staff clinical managers
who work collaboratively on infection prevention, safety and regulato-
ry activities. For example, you may have an OR manager who's
responsible for the operating room and sterile processing areas, but
Tina Mentz
z ALL FOR ONE Spreading responsibilities among the staff
removes a heavy burden from one person's shoulders.