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O U T P A T I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E O N L I N E | M A Y 2 0 1 5
Run Down Fire Risk Before Every Case
Fires are preventable if the OR team is aware of the risks.
he estimated 550
to 650 surgical
fires that occur
each year are entirely
preventable, but there's
no national standard that
requires surgical teams to
discuss fire risks before
every patient is taken to
the operating room. Until
there is, take the lead by
having your pre-op nurs-
es assess patients' fire
risks using the following
5-point questionnaire,
with 1 point assigned to
each "yes" answer:
1. Is an alcohol-based skin
antiseptic or other
flammable solution being
used pre-operatively? ____
2. Is the procedure being performed above the xiphoid
process or in the oropharynx? ____
3. Is open oxygen or nitrous oxide being administered? ____
4. Is an electrosurgical unit, laser or fiber-optic light being used? ____
5. Are there other possible contributors, such as drills, saws and burrs? ____
Troy Thurmond, RN, BSN, MSN
z HALLWAY HUDDLE Chief of Anesthesia Brad
Williams, MD, Assistant Nurse Manager Jessica Haury,
RN, BSN, and Chief of Surgery Mark Homra, MD, discuss
fire risks before patients are brought back to the OR.