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M A Y 2 0 1 5 | O U T P A T I E N TS U R G E R Y. N E T
What Makes Multimodal Work?
Achieve post-op pain management success
with these expert insights.
z THE SOLUTION Pain is easier to
prevent than treat, so get a good headstart.
t's not the standard of care by
any means, but a multimodal
approach to post-op pain man-
agement, as opposed to opi-
oid-based therapy, is finding acceptance among a wider audience.
"We have preached the multimodal song now for well over a decade,
but finally we are seeing some traction with good results," says
Eugene Viscusi, MD, director of acute pain management at Thomas
Jefferson University Hospital in Philadelphia. "This has been driven in
part by the recognition of opioids as potential drivers for side effects
and poorer outcomes, as well as their contribution to the expanding
prescription-abuse problem."
Multimodal — which combines IV and oral analgesics, regional
David Bernard
Senior Associate Editor