3 0 S U P P L E M E N T T O O U T P A T I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E A P R I L 2 0 1 5
life implementation and use stories.
Many EMR systems are known to be facility- and specialty-specific. Go with
one that is geared to your needs. For our general and bariatric surgery depart-
ment, for instance, we didn't choose the system that flourishes in internal medi-
cine practices. If you're at a freestanding surgery center, find out which EMRs
are in use at other centers like yours, not just what the majority of local hospi-
tals have found success with.
Lastly, seek out a company that is building for the future. By this I mean one
offering EMRs that can be upgraded over time. As with any computer, a system
that can build on itself and that has room to grow lets you discover its possibili-
ties and add to them as your information technology needs change.
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Dr. Cohen (bcohen@mhs.net), a general surgeon, is the medical director of advanced laparoscopic and bariatric
surgery at Memorial Healthcare System in Hollywood, Fla., where he championed the development of the sys-
tem's integrated ORs.