Outpatient Surgery Magazine - Subscribers

Not the Retiring Type - January 2015 - Outpatient Surgery Magazine

Outpatient Surgery Magazine, providing current information on Surgical Services, Surgical Facility Administration, Outpatient Surgery News and Trends, OR Excellence and more.

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Page 78 of 148

Several sources have named the surgical industry as one of the nation's leading generators of waste. While much medical refuse is unavoidable, bound for the landfill or incinerator, a broad recycling program can reduce a facility's footprint and benefit its bottom line. "We separate our clean recyclable waste in clear green trash bags. We are able to place this and all our cardboard boxes into the recy- cling dumpster," says Dallas Freyer, RN, CASC, administrator of the Corpus Christi Outpatient Surgery Center and Surgicare of Corpus Christi, in Texas. "It has not only provided us a 'going green' opportu- nity, but also a savings opportunity as this is a cheaper pickup and we were able to reduce the number of regular pickups." A facility's recycling options aren't limited to paper, plastic and alu- minum, though. Some readers separate supply wrappers, batteries and even device components out of their waste streams. "We send shaver blades, wands and cannulas out as part of a recycling program," says Linda Mae Ruterbories, ANP, the surgical center director at the OA Centers for Orthopaedics in Portland, Maine. At Minnesota Valley Surgery Center in Burnsville, Minn., staff "save used cautery cords con- taining copper and recycle them for cash," says Sonja Wilcox, RN, CNOR, operating room supervisor. "We donate the proceeds to our favorite charity." Contact your municipality, local waste management businesses and vendors to determine what's possible in your area. Make it easy With environmental efforts, as with any practice changes, making it easy to do the right thing will get it done right, and keep clean recy- clables out of conventional and medical trash. One solid starting point is visibility and accessibility. "Purchase the blue plastic recycle bins and place them in each area of your work- place. They are very inexpensive, highly recognizable and easy to 7 9 January 2015 | O U T PAT I E N TS U R G E R Y. N E T

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