orried about retirement? You're not alone. Our
2014 annual salary survey found that despite a
recovering economy, many are still feeling the
effects of the recession — and it's especially
hard on retirement-aged Baby Boomers who
don't feel they've saved enough along the way to comfortably call it a
career, and who feel forced to work into their golden years.
"There just isn't enough money to survive on a day-to-day basis as
well as plan for the future," says Kathi Gascho, RN, BSN, CASC, direc-
tor of nursing at the Camp Lowell Surgery Center in Tucson, Ariz.
In this year's salary survey, in which nearly 900 surgical facility lead-
ers shared with us the size of their paychecks, a major theme
emerged: Nearly one-third of the OR managers and nurses we sur-
veyed are working into their golden years — some because they want
to, others because they have to. One of the hardest things about
retirement? "It's knowing when it's time to retire," says Jeanie
Skibiski, CRNA, MHA, of Mercy Orthopedic Hospital in Ozark, Mo. "I
know people in their 70s who want to keep working. I think when it's
not enjoyable anymore is when you need to quit."
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January 2015 | O U T PAT I E N TS U R G E R Y. N E T
Annual Salary Survey