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O U T P AT I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E O N L I N E | J A N U A R Y 2 0 1 5
ritish researchers have developed a trocar with a self-
retracting needle that they hope will prevent accidental
organ puncture at the start of laparoscopic surgery. Based
on changes in pressure, the needle withdraws the moment it enters
the abdominal cavity. Here's how. The pressure of the insertion
inflates a diaphragm that activates its own withdrawal by the force of
a tiny spring after it passes through the muscle and tissue, say
researchers. Developed by Nottingham Trent University (
and Olberon Medical Innovations, the design is a modified version of
a self-retracting cannula by the same team, appropriated for keyhole
Although keyhole surgery complications are rare, bowel perfora-
tions or bile duct injuries can result in such life-threatening compli-
cations as circulatory collapse or septic shock. "This simple inven-
tion could be an important tool that prevents accidents and enables
surgeons to carry out this routine procedure with increased confi-
dence at a lower risk of injury to the patient," says Amin Al-Habaibeh,
a professor of intelligent engineering systems at Nottingham Trent's
School of Architecture, Design and the Built Environment.
— Dan O'Connor
S U R G E O N S ' L O U N G E
A Safer Trocar?
z nO MOre FaileD inSertiOnS This trocar with
a self-retracting needle is designed to slash
keyhole surgery injuries.