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O U T P AT I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E O N L I N E | D E C E M B E R 2 0 1 4
onnie Callahan, LPN, worked her first case on Sept. 21, 1964, at
the age of 19. She retired in October, 50 years after her career
began and ended at Lima Memorial Hospital in northwest Ohio.
Love of medicine didn't draw her to the operating room a half-century
ago, but a love of surgery made it tough to leave.
"I originally wanted to be a teacher," says Ms. Callahan, now 69.
"But I was dating the gentleman who would become my husband and
didn't want to wait 4 years, until after college, to get married."
Her high school guidance counselor told her she could become a
licensed practical nurse in a year, so off she went to the Lima School
of Practical Nursing. After she earned her degree, she learned of an
opening in the surgical department at Lima Memorial. The problem
was, she had never set foot in an OR during her schooling. "Some
things in training made me feel a little faint, so I was a bit leery and
never figured I'd be able to do surgery," says Ms. Callahan.
She could do it. For 50 years. "It seems like younger people are con-
stantly looking for some type of advancement or something new,"
says Ms. Callahan. "But I loved my job, so I stuck with it."
FOND FAREWELL Connie Callahan, LPN, says
goodbye to Lima (Ohio) Memorial Hospital.
: Ohio Nurse Retires After 50 Years in the OR