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O U T P AT I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E O N L I N E | J U LY 2 0 1 4
MD Technologies
Environ-mate DM6000 Series Suction-Drain Systems
(800) 201-3060
$3,500 to $8,000
MD Technologies' Environ-mate DM6000 Series Suction-Drain Systems
silently dispose of fluid waste directly to the sanitary sewer, isolating staff
from exposure. By eliminating the cost of disposable supplies and waste dis-
posal, the systems' savings typically pay for themselves in the first year. The
compact, wall-mounted systems occupy no floor space and do not require
transporting suctioned fluid to disposal sites. The DM6000 model can be
equipped with a footswitch; the DM6000-2 (shown) offers 2 fully independent
suction inputs; and the DM6000-2A has an unlimited fluid capacity and
optional totalizer for recording fluid volumes.
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