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F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 4 | O U T P AT I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E O N L I N E
nline pre-admission is likely the wave of the future, and
many early adopters are riding high, thrilled with the
improvements they're seeing and the time they're sav-
ing. Still, it hasn't been smooth sailing for everyone.
Many say they've had to swerve through a variety of
obstacles, and some say they're still struggling. A few even wonder if
the switch was worth it.
The good news is that what they've learned can help you make sure
you end up on top of the wave, not flailing beneath it — if and when
you're ready to make the transition.
O N L I N E P R E - A D M I S S I O N
Overcome the Obstacles in
Online Pre-Admissions
Early adopters share what they've learned.
TIME SAVER A successful program can cut pre-
admission phone calls from 30 or 35 minutes to 10 or 15.
Jim Burger
Associate Editor
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