Outpatient Surgery Magazine, providing current information on Surgical Services, Surgical Facility Administration, Outpatient Surgery News and Trends, OR Excellence and more.
Issue link: http://outpatientsurgery.uberflip.com/i/268279
4 O U T P AT I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E O N L I N E | F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 4 FEATURES 28 COVER STORY Zero Tolerance for Never Events Can we get to zero? Yes, experts say it can be done. Jim Burger | Associate Editor 40 How to Avoid Hospital- Acquired Conditions Advice on preventing retained objects, pressure ulcers, SSIs and falls. Beverly Kirchner, RN, BSN, CNOR, CASC 47 Overcome the Obstacles In Online Pre-Admissions Early adopters share what they've learned. Jim Burger | Associate Editor 53 Equip Your ORs for Sharps Safety Safety-engineered sharps and trays provide passing protection. David Bernard | Senior Associate Editor 62 Can Ventral Hernia Surgery Be Profitable? Facility leaders say it starts with communication and cost control. Jim Burger | Associate Editor 68 See It Now: Advances in GI Visualization Recent innovations are bringing everything into sharper focus. Jim Burger | Associate Editor 77 Beware the Biofilm The microscopic residue of surgery and exams can cause big-time problems. Michelle J. Alfa, PhD, FCCM 84 The Unintended Consequences Of Unintended Hypothermia Warming's not just about patient comfort. There are very real threats in even mild hypothermia. Theresa Criscitelli, EdD(c), RN, CNOR 102 How Healthcare Reform is Reshaping Surgery Efficiency and versatility define the Obamacare OR. David Bernard | Senior Associate Editor 108 Making The Case for Reposables Limited-use instruments and devices save money and prevent waste. Daniel Cook | Executive Editor 115 Airway Disaster Averted How to avoid losing airways — and how to save the day when something goes wrong. Dan O'Connor | Editor-in-Chief How We're Pushing the Outpatient Spine Envelope Six ways you can innovate to perform bigger cases with better outcomes. Robert S. Bray Jr., MD February 2014 | Vol. XV, No. 2 outpatientsurgery.net 91 www outpatientsurgery.net Outpatient S urgery 10 Practical Pearls You Can Try Right Now p. 6 Keys to Our Spine Surgery Success p. 50 Happy With Your Anesthesia Group? p. 77 The Neptune 2's Second Coming p. 84 February 2014 R Magazine No More Never Events No More Never Events Yes, we can get to zero. Experts tell us how. p. 16 IS IN THE AIR! NEW ORLEANS MARRIOTT, 555 CANAL STREET New Orleans, Louisiana • October 14-17, 2014 www.orexcellence.com where leaders meet, learn and grow together 2014 OR Excellence Program p. 69 Proudly serving hospital, ASC and office-based surgical facility leaders for 14 years. 393 Sagamore Avenue, Mineola, New York 11501 Tel: 516-294-5888 Fax: 516-248-6456 For More Information and GENEROUS FREE SAMPLES 1-800-537-8463 www.ruhof.com Prepzyme ® Forever Wet Instrument Transport Humectant Spray The latest breakthrough in enzymatic pre-cleaning sprays, Prepzyme ® Forever Wet's unique humectant properties form a moist coating over the instruments that lasts for days. • The humectant formulation creates a moisture retention barrier which keeps soiled instruments and scopes moist for a prolonged period of time – unlike a GEL which HAS NO MOISTURE RETENTION properties • Operating room safe, non-aerosol, multi-tiered enzymatic spray helps prevent bio-burden from drying on the surface of soiled instruments and scopes • Ideal for transporting soiled instruments that may sit for an extended period of time • Reduces tray weight during transport compared to liquid presoaks • Soiled sharps are visible through humectant • Decreases spills and potential cross-contamination Prepzyme ® Forever Wet creates a long lasting moisture barrier. As seen here, instrument remains wet to the touch for days after application. Copyright ©2013 Ruhof Corporation OSE_1402_part1_Layout 1 2/6/14 2:46 PM Page 4