Jackie Rowles, CRNA, MBA, FAAPM
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O U T P AT I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E O N L I N E | F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 4
Give Your Pain Service a Shot of Efficiency
10 tips for treating chronic pain more quickly, safely and profitably.
ain is very difficult to diagnose and treat because multiple pain
generators cause the same symptoms. Work with your patients
to overcome this challenge and do all you can to eliminate pain
from their lives through multimodal therapy that combines medica-
tions, physical therapy, injections and psychological interventions.
Read on for 10 keys to an efficient pain service.
Require new patients to bring in all medicines.
Most chronic pain
patients are on multiple medications, and they rarely remember
what medicines they're taking, the dose or the frequency. This informa-
tion is critical to delivering safe, appropriate care, so we instruct new
patients to bring all of their medicines, including vitamins, herbs and
supplements, to their first appointment. This is the only truly effective
Ms. Rowles provides such
pain treatment therapies as
spinal injections with fluo-
roscopy, joint injections and
peripheral nerve blocks.
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