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O U T P AT I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E O N L I N E | F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 4
That Work
Reward Your Busiest Surgeon With 2 Teams
ow do you reward your
busiest surgeons? How
about with 2 teams, so he
can move much faster. Whichever
surgeon has the most cases that
day at our facility gets 2 teams.
The biggest benefit: sub-6-minute
turnover times.
Mary Wood, RN
Hutchinson (Kans.) Ambulatory
Surgery Center
all-offs are inevitable, but when they occur, it costs money and
time to get the shift covered. It can cause chaos in the OR
schedule, too. We have a policy that if staff get their own shift
covered, we'll consider it a
trade instead of a call-off. This
lets the schedule proceed and
saves time in attempting to
cover the shift. Staff like that
it doesn't count against them
in the attendance policy.
Traci Sheipline, RN
Wooster (Ohio) Ambulatory
Surgery Center
How to Deal With Call-Offs
COVERAGE When staff call off, leave it up to
them to find a replacement.
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