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O U T P AT I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E O N L I N E | F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 4
Neptune 2 Is Back on the Market
FDA lifts recall on popular fluid waste management device.
he FDA has cleared Stryker's Neptune 2
Waste Management System for a return
to the marketplace after a 2012 recall over
improper use and lack of FDA approval that forced
surgical managers nationwide to rethink their case
The popular fluid waste and surgical smoke dis-
posal device's reintroduction is being accompanied
by operational improvements and training
opportunities to ensure safety as well as effi-
ciency in the OR, says the company, which it
developed through regulatory and on-the-job
reviews. Among the improvements that have
been added to the Neptune 2 are the following
Suction power codes.
The top cover now fea-
tures low-, medium- and high-range color cod-
ing to denote the suction power in use.
Updated software
makes the unit's operation
more interactive and responsive. It includes
added warnings against the use of suction
with wound drains and chest tubes that
users must acknowledge before suction is
activated. High-range suction includes addi-
tional audio and visual signals, including the
display screen's color changing from blue to
white. User controls in the low and medium
Great ideas for your OR
approval returns Stryker's Neptune 2 to the
surgical market.
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