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O U T P AT I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E O N L I N E | F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 4
Contract Anesthesia Services
Pick the right provider for your facility's needs.
he most compelling
argument for con-
tracting with an anes-
thesia group or manage-
ment company is that it
gives your facility the ability
to use the market to your
advantage. Bidding out busi-
ness facilitates competition,
creativity, and quality and
cost management, keys to success in the current healthcare economy.
There's nothing like competition to encourage anesthesia providers
to explore and understand your business objectives and to creatively
package their offerings into a deal benefiting both parties. In a special-
ty that is often defined by its adversity to risk, this can develop better
solutions, or at least solutions that are more focused on the future
than the past.
That's not the only advantage of contracting anesthesia services,
though. It can also bring better, more committed clinical partners to
your ORs. At the same time, it's based on a contract that remains in
force only as long as your service requirements are being met. In
short, it gives your facility access to skilled professionals and control
and leverage in their performance. But the selection process can be
challenging and always involves some degree of risk. So keep these 3
factors in mind:
Do you like the providers?
Your facility's leadership must feel comfort-
able with the proposed staff. They must be experienced, credible and
sympathetic. What level of commitment and resources will they bring
HANDS ON DECK Outsourcing anesthesia gives you access to skilled
professionals and control over the services they provide.
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