Outpatient Surgery Magazine

Hand-Healthy Hand Scrubs - December 2013 - Subscribe to Outpatient Surgery Magazine

Outpatient Surgery Magazine, providing current information on Surgical Services, Surgical Facility Administration, Outpatient Surgery News and Trends, OR Excellence and more.

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Page 82 of 140

OSE_1213_part2_Layout 1 12/5/13 2:54 PM Page 81 E N D O S C O P Y nels, connectors and detachable parts. Disconnect and disassemble the scope and completely immerse it and its components in an appropriately diluted detergent, according to the scope manufacturer's instructions. Flush and brush accessible channels to remove residue. Clean the external surfaces and compo(800) 521-6224 nents of the scope Healthmark@hmark.com with a soft cloth, sponge or brush. Ensure exterior and interior surfaces are Healthmark Healthmar and our GI products help the Endoscopy center manage the reprocessing of their ts Endosc er r essing exposed to the deterscopes. We do this through monitoring of cleaning (cleaning verification products), t W ough monit ing v ts), tools to gent for the time improve cleaning (cleaning products) and finally products to organize and track the steps in ts t e produc e n reprocessing (ac essing (accessories,, including labels). required by the If it is not clean, it can not be consider high-level disinfected or st f considered fe ed sterile. With Healthm k's line of thmar scope's manufacturer, ProFormanc cleaning verification products you can be su e that yo are rendering flexible mance™ n products, you ur that you dering g and use manufacturendoscopes safe for further processing. IInnovative tools from He pes fe fo rthe sing nnov tive toolls fro Healthmark include brushes, w , g wipes spray guns, soaking trays and transpor bags to help you effectively c ean your endoscopes ansport king t g ffe ly clean y opes. er-recommended cleaning adaptors when flushing detergent from the channels. GI GI www.HealthmarkGI.com m . www.HealthmarkGI.com 4 Assuming with AERs Cleaning Verification Cleaning Products Accessories Always follow manufacturers' directions when operating automatic endoscope reprocessors. Use the recommended tubing D E C E M B E R 2013 | O U T PAT I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E O N L I N E 8 1

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