Outpatient Surgery Magazine
Page 6
Hand-Healthy Hand Scrubs
The quest for products that
protect your skin as well as
they prevent infection.
Dan O'Connor | Editor-in-Chief
46 How Do You Really
Feel About Accreditation?
Most readers we surveyed tout its benefits, with a few caveats.
Daniel Cook | Executive Editor
53 Lessons on Flashing
There's a time and a place for rapid-cycle steam sterilization.
Dan O'Connor | Editor-in-Chief
58 Preventing Infection After Hernia Surgery
Many of today's hernia meshes have a lower risk of adhesion and infection than their heavyweight, unwieldy predecessors.
Dan O'Connor | Editor-in-Chief
63 Getting the Point of Sharps Safety
8 questions on the rules that protect your staff.
Beverly Kirchner, RN, BSN, CNOR, CASC
70 UV Room Disinfection
Robotic cleaners give an extra layer of surface disinfection.
Dan O'Connor | Editor-in-Chief
80 Endoscope Reprocessing's Dirty Little Secrets
Shortcuts and slip-ups are more common than you might think.
Jim Collins, BS, RN, CNOR
88 Have You Automated These 5 Areas Yet?
These folks only wish they'd done it sooner.
Jim Burger | Associate Editor
92 Single-Incision Success
These ideas and innovations are improving the efficiency and safety of the most minimally invasive laparoscopy.
David Bernard | Senior Associate Editor
97 10 Labeling and Storage
Accidents Waiting to Happen
Could any of these be lurking in your facility?
Sheldon S. Sones, RPh, FASCP
108 15 Cool, New Products for Anesthesia
We walked the aisles with your OR efficiency in mind at this year's American Society of Anesthesiologists' annual meeting.
John Dombrowski, MD