Outpatient Surgery Magazine

Secrets to Speedier Room Turnover - November 2013 - Subscribe to Outpatient Surgery Magazine

Outpatient Surgery Magazine, providing current information on Surgical Services, Surgical Facility Administration, Outpatient Surgery News and Trends, OR Excellence and more.

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Page 60 of 156

OSE_1311_part2_Layout 1 11/6/13 9:38 AM Page 61 E Q U I P M E N T R E P A I R • Original equipment manufacturer. Many view sending equipment to the original manufacturer for repair as something of a last resort. "It's usually our last option because of cost," says a hospital instrument room supervisor. "Only when the equipment is under warranty or biomed doesn't perform repairs on that piece," says Casey McFarland, MHA, administrator of the Georgia Endoscopy Center in Alpharetta, Ga. Adds Nicole Booth, surgery specialist at Barrett Hospital and Healthcare in Dillon, Mont., "If it's still under warranty, or if we purchased a service contract when we purchased the item, them we'll send it (to the OEM)." At Harper University Hospital in Detroit, Mich., once the service contract expires, "we'll use either in-house biomed or send it to a third-party repair facility," says Michael S. Seator, MBA, BSN, CNOR, Harper's director of surgical services. Others will only use the OEM for repairs if the equipment is newer, complex and expensive, or beyond the scope of the biomed staff's training. "If it's a delicate piece of equipment, we send it back to the manufacturer so we're sure it will be repaired properly," says an ASC director of nursing. "If it is a very expensive piece of equipment, we feel more comfortable sending it back to the manufacturer," says Drew Mays, materials manager at St Mary's Surgicare in Evansville, Ind. • Third-party repair facility. Talk about convenience. Charlene Goff, RN, director of nursing at the Pasadena (Calif.) Plastic Surgery Center, says her repair vendor is local and inexpensive, does the repairs on site at her facility, and gives the center loaner equipment or instruments if needed. Many survey respondents rely on third-party repair vendors once their service contract with the OEM has expired. "But only if they have a good reputation," says one. "We use a local repair provider that also sells refurbished equipment N O V E M B E R 2013 | O U T PAT I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E O N L I N E 6 1

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