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IDEAS That Work
Keep Kids' Colors Close By
e use the Broselow pediatric system to prepare for unexpected airway issues. Our pre-op RNs measure and weigh
our patients and document these details in the EHR so
they can retrieve the correct size supplies in the event of an emergency. Not too long ago, when a child in PACU suffered a laryngospasm, I saw staff members paging through their electronic tablets
to find the patient's Broselow classification. While it only took them a
few seconds, in an emergency
that's a few seconds too long.
Our patient did fine, but the
incident led us to create a more
immediate reference point. Since
Broselow is color-coded, we
made laminated cards of those
colors with different matching
cartoon animals. Pre-op nurses
who weigh and measure patients
let them pick one of the animals
from their corresponding color,
then the card is attached to the IV
pole, so we'll have the necessary
rescue information at a glance.
Mary Ann Kelly, RN
Madison Surgery Center
Madison, Ala.
N O V E M B E R 2013 | O U T PAT I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E O N L I N E
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