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Stryker Endoscopy
Plume-Away 4.0 and Ultra Plume-Away 6.0
(800) 624-4422
List price: not disclosed
FYI: Stryker's Plume-Away 4.0 provides continuous, automatic laparoscopic
smoke removal at an airflow rate of up to 4 liters per minute. Designed for
use with 10mm and 5mm trocars, it is easily installed through a trocar's side
port. The Ultra Plume-Away 6.0 (pictured) offers increased airflow of up to 6
liters per minute and is ideal for 5mm trocars.
N O V E M B E R 2013 | O U T PAT I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E O N L I N E
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