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A Smoke Evacuation System
Clear the air for OR safety with these 9 options.
Bovie Medical
Smoke Shark II Smoke Evacuator
(800) 537-2790
List price: $1,933 to $2,075
FYI: Compatible with most electrosurgical generators, Bovie Medical's
Smoke Shark II is a portable, lightweight and easy-to-operate device. Its 35hour, 4-stage filtration system captures the particulate matter (as small as
0.01mm) and chemical toxins that exist in smoke plume with 99.99995% efficiency. Three flow settings and the ability to accommodate 3 sizes of tubing
deliver versatility in smoke evacuation.
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O U T PAT I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E O N L I N E | N O V E M B E R 2013