Outpatient Surgery Magazine - Subscribers

How Do You Measure Up? - October 2013 - Subscribe to Outpatient Surgery Magazine

Outpatient Surgery Magazine, providing current information on Surgical Services, Surgical Facility Administration, Outpatient Surgery News and Trends, OR Excellence and more.

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Page 80 of 118

OS_1310_part2_Layout 1 10/7/13 10:26 AM Page 81 O P H T H A L M O L O G Y Cataract | Refractive | Glaucoma Sightpath Medical provides outstanding technology. "Sightpath has allowed me to stay on the cutting-edge of eye surgery so I can provide the best possible care for my patients. To achieve a consistency of care at all locations where I perform surgery, I partner with Sightpath Medical." EYES HAVE IT Satisfy demanding patients to dramatically increase revenues and make eye surgery's breadand-butter procedure financially viable. dependency on glasses. Patients who don't mind wearing glasses do just fine with conventional manual techniques." • Intraoperative aberrometry. Surgeons are also using intraoperative aberrometry to image the eye, better select the power of the lens implant and achieve improved refractive outcomes, says Mr. Dawes. He explains that the real-time imaging is not a covered service, so it's another technology cost, though far less expensive than lasers, that can be passed on to the patient. An intraoperative aberrometer is an essential piece of equipment in the ORs of P. Dee G. Stephenson, MD, FACS, ABES, FSEE, of Stephenson Eye Associates in Venice, Fla. O C T O B E R 2013 | O U T PAT I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E O N L I N E "I am a Sightpath Surgeon." Jitendra Swarup, MD Albemarle Eye Center To find out more about Sightpath Medical's on-demand products and services, Call 888.975.5526 or visit www.SightpathMedical.com/OS Visit Booth #436 at AAO November 16-19 to Meet MoFe 8 1

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