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HR Mistakes You Can't
Afford to Make p. 14
How Do You
Measure Up?
Proudly serving hospital, ASC and
office-based surgical facility leaders for 14 years.
October 2013 | Vol. XIV, No. 10
The 10 most
meaningful benchmarks
to your surgical business.
Continuous Nerve
Block Success p. 34
Best Practices
For LMAs p. 44
The Latest Anesthesia
Machines p. 61
October 2013
How Do You
Measure Up?
The 10 most meaningful benchmarks
to your surgical business. P 18
Dan O'Connor | Editor-in-Chief
42 Is There an Infection Risk
At the Head of the Table?
There might be if your anesthesia
providers are practicing
poor hand hygiene.
Chuck Biddle, CRNA, PhD
48 Are Video Laryngoscopes
The Standard of Care?
Readers believe every facility
should have them on hand for
managing difficult airways.
Daniel Cook | Executive Editor
70 Best Practices for LMAs
Review the proper care and use of
this essential supraglottic airway device.
Arup De, MD, MBA, and Dino Kattato, CRNA, MS
Advanced Placement
8 keys to success with
continuous nerve blocks.
Kevin M. Backfish, MD
Jerome Adams, MD, MPH
Ryan Nagy, MD
76 Cataract Surgery's New Normal
Focus on improved refractive outcomes
to increase patient satisfaction and
pump up stagnant reimbursements.
Daniel Cook | Executive Editor
84 Managing Your
Chronic Pain Patients
Tips for maximizing safety
and satisfaction.
Connie Casey, RN, CNOR, LHRM
91 The Powerful Case
for Double Gloving
How to convince your
OR team to put an extra pair on.
Gail O. Guterl | Contributing Editor
O U T PAT I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E O N L I N E | O C T O B E R 2013