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Joan Dentler, MBA
TEAM EFFORT Accountable care organizations will
demand coordinated care from a community's providers.
Are You Ready for ACOs?
Act now to stay relevant in healthcare's changing landscape.
bamacare is poised to forever change where and how patients
go for treatment, thanks in part to the creation of accountable
care organizations (ACOs) aimed at establishing communitywide continuums of care that hit quality and cost-containment goals.
Now's the time to stake out your place in the ACO mix. If you fail to
act soon, as alliances are formed and ACOs are funded, your center,
especially if it's not affiliated with a local hospital, may end up on the
outside looking in.
Identify the players
To avoid being lost in the healthcare provider shuffle, you must
O C T O B E R 2013 | O U T PAT I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E O N L I N E
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