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IDEAS That Work
Something Cold forA Quarter (Yes, 25ยข!)
f your
hard, give
them something to
enjoy in the
lounge. We
installed a
soda vending machine
and polled
our employees to
decide what Virginia. FOR THE CAUSE Stopping for a sip at the Surgi-Center of Central
to put in it.
There were some heated battles over whether to include Diet Coke,
Diet Pepsi or Coke Zero, so we included all 3, which cracks me up
because to my mind they're all the same thing.
Then we set the price at a quarter each, where it's stayed for a
number of years. New surgeons always seem to love the idea of 25cent drinks, and the OR manager always has a spare quarter handy
for a thirsty doc. Visiting vendors' reps almost always stop by the
machine, just because it's there. I mean, come on! Where else can
you get a 25-cent soda?
People ask me, 'Don't you lose money on that?' I don't even think
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O U T PAT I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E O N L I N E | O C T O B E R 2013