Outpatient Surgery Magazine

The Great Prepping Debate - December 2012 - Outpatient Surgery Magazine

Outpatient Surgery Magazine, providing current information on Surgical Services, Surgical Facility Administration, Outpatient Surgery News and Trends, OR Excellence and more.

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Page 127 of 159

OSE_1212_part2_Layout 1 12/5/12 9:53 AM Page 128 S U R G I C A L V I D E O off the quote, IT sourced and installed an HD one, and we ensured HD broadcast and recording capabilities. Stay on top of the install We've all experienced a poor initial install at one time or another. I can tell you what to look for, based on what I've seen. To start: When you have blueprints from the construction manager, and he says they're to scale, do your own measuring to double-check. It was on the day of the final walk-through that we learned our new OR lights with integrated cameras would go over patients' heads — not the chest area, as had been specified. We had to wait 4 weeks for the manufacturer to ship in OR light arm extensions. Get your IT team on board right away. They speak the technical language, and should be your right-hand guide. Then get out of the way while the construction and project managers do their jobs. Our install per OR was 2 to 3 days. If you choose to go with, say, just a headset and monitor integration, the install should take about a day. Involve the surgeon and the rest of the OR team, and your biomedical engineering department, if you have one. Bring this group in for a runthrough to spot tweaks that will make everyday OR life easier. Do more than open surgery Cameras from above — whether ceiling-, boom-, light- or headsetmounted — are a straightforward way to capture open general proce1 2 8 O U T PAT I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E O N L I N E | D E C E M B E R 2012

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