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◗ I've worked in many an operating room where the surgeon brings in
his own music (usually not to my liking) and blasts it during his cases.
I have patiently listened to some of what I personally consider the
worst music ever until I can't take it anymore. It's almost impossible to
hear anything the surgeon may request and it leads to a heightened
state of anxiety when you're forced to listen to music so loud that the
circulator from 2 rooms down asks us to turn down our music.
However, aside from my own personal distaste for music that's blasted,
I think we forget the most important piece of this, which is the patient.
Come on, you blasters. You know who you are: a little respect for your
patients and colleagues!
Katie Keller-Guglietta, RN
Baltimore Washington Eye Center
Glen Burnie, Md.
InstaPoll: Who in your facility has final authority
to approve a patient for a case or cancel the case?
• surgeon............................................................................................... 20%
• anesthesia.......................................................................................... 58%
• medical director................................................................................. 17%
• administrator........................................................................................ 5%
SOURCE: Outpatient Surgery Magazine InstaPoll
(www.outpatientsurgery.net) November 2012, n=705
D E C E M B E R 2012 | O U T PAT I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E O N L I N E
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