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PONV Prevention You Wear on Your Wrist
Help your patients avoid PONV and free PACU nurses for
more pressing patient-care duties with the help of Pressure
Right. This wrist strap, applied before anesthesia induction
in pre-op, is FDA 510(k)-cleared and clinically proven, and
works without drugs. It can be worn for up to 72 hours as a
prophylactic device, with no known side effects. Pressure
Right works via acupressure, activating the P6 stimulation mechanism to block the signals that
can bring on PONV. The results of a peer-reviewed, randomized, double-blinded study published
in Anesthesia & Analgesia in April supported the use of Pressure Right as a primary intervention
tool in high-risk patients. The data showed overall improvements in patient satisfaction and outcomes, with several endpoint measurements reaching statistical significance. $8.95 each • pressurerightstrip.com
Take-Apart Laparoscopic Scissors
Snowden-Pencer take-apart laparoscopic scissors, the latest
in CareFusion's line of take-apart laparoscopic surgical instruments, provide sterile, sharp blades and a new insulated shaft
for each procedure. Designed for easy assembly and disassembly, the scissors feature an ergonomic, reusable ring-handle that also fits Snowden-Pencer
take-apart clamps, dissectors and graspers. The handle is designed to reduce intraoperative
hand fatigue and accommodates a variety of hand positions for comfort and precision during
surgery. Currently in limited market release, the scissors are expected to be commercially available in early 2013. carefusion.com/snowdenpencer
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O U T PAT I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E O N L I N E | D E C E M B E R 2012