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Drive Compliance With Your Pre-Op Bathing Instructions
You give your patients detailed instructions for
pre-operative, in-home bathing. How many of
them comply? Precious few. CareFusion's
StartClean program could change that. StartClean
combines a bottle of 4% chlorhexidine gluconate
cleanser and 3 single-use sponges with an individualized service that sends your patients a text, e-mail or voicemail reminding them to use their
antiseptic cleanser before surgery. Remember, cleansers work only if your patients use them.
Hone Complex Cataract Techniques
The Kitaro DryLab and WetLab Kits from FCI
Ophthalmics offer realistic surgical simulation through
specially designed synthetic materials that give the look and feel of
the natural tissue of the human eye. The DryLab lets surgeons practice skills such as self-sealing wound construction and suturing with
a special resin sheet that offers a feel similar to that of cutting the human sclerocornea. Skills surgeons can practice with the WetLab, which is designed to simulate phacoemulsification using a
phaco machine under a microscope in an OR, include intraoperative complication management in
the event of a posterior capsule rupture and dropped nucleus. Each kit comes assembled in a carrying case, and any additional or replacement items may be ordered as needed.
10% discount on the first kit • fci-ophthalmics.com
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O U T PAT I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E O N L I N E | D E C E M B E R 2012