OSE_1212_part1_Layout 1 12/5/12 10:18 AM Page 12
Shooting Holes in
Laser Cataracts
◗ Re: "Laser Cataracts: Will Bladeless
Surgery Catch On?" (November, page
20). If you have a good surgeon who
has taken the time to learn the fine
art of a capsulorhexis, you don't
need to invest in a half-million dollar machine to do the same thing,
and then charge a thousand dollars
per eye to the patient — when the same outcome can be
achieved with a less-than-a-dollar cystotome needle and a good surgeon. I am all for technology, but this one is a waste in this economy,
when people need jobs and every dollar counts. When the laser can
actually do the phacoemulsification portion of the surgery, we might
have a conversation. Until then ... this is not better patient care or
safer patient care — it's a revenue maker.
Lauren Belleza, ST
Physicians Eye Surgery Center
Everett, Wash.
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O U T PAT I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E O N L I N E | D E C E M B E R 2012