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William Landess, CRNA, MS, JD
4 Risk Management Tips for Intake of Drugs
These strategies will protect you in the event of a recall.
t's been nearly 6
months since the
deadly meningitis
outbreak linked to the
New England
Compounding Center,
and, still, the effects
roll on (see
Victims Continue to
Mount"). You can't
prevent every instance
of medication contamination from reaching
patients, but here are
4 preventive steps you
can take.
INTAKE INSIGHT The intake person should verify the condition of each drug product upon arrival.
Take drug intake seriously. Cutting corners in any area of patient
care is unwise, and checking in the meds you receive is no dif-
ferent. But double- and triple-checking are the best ways to protect
patients. Receipt and drug intake is not just bringing in the mail, and
F E B R U A R Y 2013 | O U T PAT I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E O N L I N E
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