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Anesthesia Plus
Besides giving a safe
anesthetic, your
providers should be
doing a whole
lot more.
Proudly serving hospital, ASC and
office-based surgical facility leaders for 13 years.
February 2013 | Vol. XVI, No. 2
Jay Horowitz, CRNA, ARNP
GI Done Right
Practical pearls to kick your
endo services up a notch.
Dan O'Connor | Editor-in-Chief
The Lowdown on
Low-Flow Anesthesia
Minimizing volatile anesthetic
delivery maximizes its benefits.
Ashish C. Sinha, MD, PhD
Primer on Video Integration
What you need to know, from camera
tip to monitor — and everything in
Chris Counts
A Closer Look at
Laser Cataract Surgery
Is the technology right
for your facility?
David Bernard |
Senior Associate Editor
Take Advantage of
Pain Pump Advances
Can these improvements
provide better relief?
David Bernard | Senior Associate Editor
106 Going Green 101
6 simple ways to do your part.
Cecilia DeLoach Lynn, MBA, LEED AP, and
Kaeleigh Sheehan
119 Got EMR?
A special report on the state of electronic medical records implementation in outpatient surgery.
Lisa Waters, RN
129 Our Approach to
Surface Disinfection
The products and practices that keep
our facility free of infection.
Ben Riker, RN
F E B R U A R Y 2013 | O U T PAT I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E O N L I N E