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Mary Pat Whaley, CPC, FACMPE
Cloud-Based Management Services
Options for taking your operations online, and off-site.
rom pre-admission patient
registration websites to survey services and from pur-
chasing portals to benchmarking
reporters, cloud-based management
tools seem like the way of the
future. The phrase "cloud-based" is
a cool catchphrase, but the concept
is not radically different from "webbased." It basically describes an
online space that is uniquely yours
for storing and using digital content such as records or applications.
The key here is, it's not housed in your facility, as opposed to the practice management or EMR systems you might be running on site with a
server in the closet.
Why go to the cloud?
Managing through the cloud offers several advantages over the closet.
• Hands-off technology. When you're tapping into cloud-based applications, there's no hardware infrastructure to maintain on the premises
(other than the devices you use to access the Internet) and the software
is automatically updated to the latest version.
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O U T PAT I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E O N L I N E | F E B R U A R Y 2013