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Experience Under Your Belt
vs. Titles After Your Name
◗ Re: "In Search of the Perfect OR
work and want-
Nurse" (December, page 14). I
ing to keep it
have been an OR nurse in one
looking nice and
capacity or another for 30 years
fully functional.
and currently am director of a 4-
Karen Gabbert,
room orthopedic ASC. Not a day
goes by that I'm not in the OR
Surgery Center of Kansas
troubleshooting or fixing some-
Wichita, Kans.
thing so the day can go on. Staff
bring me screws, washers and
other various items they find on
◗ Nursing has become a profes-
the floor that they don't know
sion of titles. The more titles you
what to do with. How about find-
acquire, the higher you expect
ing out where it came from before your salary to be — regardless of
you bring it to the office? Then
your real nursing experience or
maybe we can prevent a major
the ownership and pride you
malfunction down the road in the
take in your job.
middle of a case. And heaven for-
Maria Gutierrez, RN
bid you throw it away or put it in
Moore County Hospital District
a drawer somewhere. Gone are
Dumas, Texas
the days of pride in the place you
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O U T PAT I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E O N L I N E | F E B R U A R Y 2013