Outpatient Surgery Magazine

6 Positioning Principles - June 2013 - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - Subscribe

Outpatient Surgery Magazine, providing current information on Surgical Services, Surgical Facility Administration, Outpatient Surgery News and Trends, OR Excellence and more.

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Page 120 of 147

OSE_1306_part2_Layout 1 6/3/13 3:43 PM Page 121 F R O M T H E S H O W Genicon's Geni-Strong specimen retrieval bags. F L O O R Genicon's Geni-Strong laparoscopic specimen retrieval bags are made from tearresistant nylon, not polyurethane, which means they're protected against bursting and won't propagate tears if they're nicked by instruments, says the company. The watertight bags are available in 3 sizes. The medium and medium/large sizes can fit through a 10mm port, while the large fits through a 12mm port. GelPoint Mini from Applied Medical. Applied Medical has adapted its GelPoint Advanced Access Platform, a multiple-access, singleincision port device, to the demands of even smaller incisions. The GelPoint Mini accommodates 1.5cm to 3cm incision sizes (down from 1.5cm to 7cm) and varying abdominal wall sizes while allowing the triangulation of 5mm to 10mm instruments. — David Bernard The device system is priced at $400 to $500. on the insufflation line that warms and humidifies the CO2 going into the pneumoperitoneum. Now, that pre-conditioning is available from a 5mm instrument port, the InsuFlow Synergy. In addition to delivering 95°F, 95% relative humidity CO2 for less fog and less post-op pain, like the InsuFlow, the Synergy's multi-directional gas dispersion at the distal end provides pneumo stability. The list price is about $95 to $105. If you're performing conventional laparoscopy and working with multiple incisions and ports, this device might benefit the patient without getting in the surgeon's way. J U N E 2013 | O U T PAT I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E O N L I N E 1 2 1

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