Outpatient Surgery Magazine

6 Positioning Principles - June 2013 - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - Subscribe

Outpatient Surgery Magazine, providing current information on Surgical Services, Surgical Facility Administration, Outpatient Surgery News and Trends, OR Excellence and more.

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Page 118 of 147

OSE_1306_part2_Layout 1 6/3/13 3:43 PM Page 119 F R O M T H E S H O W strength and utility of their larger counterparts. I've handled other lessthan-rigid mini tools that don't leave me confident they'll be able to do the job, but Karl Storz's 3mm laparoscopic instruments feel sturdy. Advances like this could play a big role in expanding single- or limited-incision laparoscopy. The instruments list at $950 to $1,100 per instrument, comparable to 5mm and 10mm versions. Reusable trocars to provide access for 3mm instruments, available in pediatric and bariatric lengths, are $600. 4 5 F L O O R TOWER IN A BOX Olive Medical's OVS-1 fits a monitor, camera control unit and light source in a 7-pound package. CLIP IT The EndoGrab from Virtual Ports offers internal retraction without impeding instruments or adding an incision. InsuFlow Synergy by Lexion Medical 7 Lexion Medical is known for its InsuFlow laparoscopic gas-conditioning device, that pink cylinder 6 ON HAND Karl Storz's set of 3mm laparoscopic instruments let surgeons go even more minimally invasive. J U N E 2013 | O U T PAT I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E O N L I N E 1 1 9

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