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T P A T I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E • M A R C H 2 0 2 1
ur "Above and Beyond" program allows staff members to
nominate their colleagues for recognition whenever they
are seen upholding our facility's core values, which include
Highlight Staff's Good Deeds
CORE VALUES Staff-to-staff shout outs improve morale and remind everyone how to carry themselves each day.
always putting the patient first,
being inclusive, not participating
in gossip and being respectful
when challenged — and graceful
when wrong. Nominated
employees are entered into
weekly drawings for small
prizes. Staff members also write
the names and good deeds of
deserving colleagues on small
clouds that are hung on a promi-
nent bulletin board for everyone
to see, acknowledge and hope-
fully emulate.
Elizabeth Austin, BS, RN
AUA Surgical Center
Amarillo, Texas
ischarge can be a confusing time for patients and
their family members. The after-effects of anes-
thesia cause some amnesia, and the information
and directives about post-op care are given when family
members might be more focused on getting their loved
ones home. Creative methods of communication during
this critical time improve comprehension of post-op care
directives, so we created labels that describe and depict
common side effects to anesthesia — scratchy throat,
drowsiness and upset stomach — and affix the labels on
plastic drinking mugs sent home with patients. We've found
the text and pictures enhance the verbal education patients
receive while recovering after surgery and have had a posi-
tive impact on their perceptions of the care they received.
Lynda Schoppe, MSN, RN, CNOR, CAPA, CNEcl
St. David's South Austin (Texas) Medical Center
Mugshots Remind Patients
About Anesthesia's Side Effects
LEARNING THAT STICKS Informative labels helped increase
patient satisfaction scores at St. David's South Austin (Texas)
Medical Center from 82% to 96% over the course of a year.
Ideas Work