M A R C H 2 0 2 1 • O U T P A T I E N T S U R G E R Y . N E T • 13
Throw 'Policy Parties' to Review Periop Paperwork
very January, managers from the OR, anesthesia and central
sterile gather to review our hospitals' policies and procedures
in order to make needed changes. Because representatives
from many different disciplines attend these "policy parties," we have
all the necessary resource materials and expertise available to make
updates. We order lunch and work until the job is done. Those of us
who attend the sessions enjoy the time and appreciate how produc-
tive we're able to work as a group. Once the policies are updated, we
have individual staff members sign in-service sheets to acknowledge
they were informed of the changes, which are further reinforced dur-
ing daily huddles and monthly team meetings.
Rhonda Sebastian, MSN, RN, CNOR
UPMC Horizon and UPMC Jameson
Farrell/New Castle, Pa.
INVITE ONLY Clinical leaders within University of
Pittsburgh Medical Center team up for a productive day of
updating policies.