Outpatient Surgery Magazine

Worth Every Penny - January 2021 - Subscribe to Outpatient Surgery Magazine

Outpatient Surgery Magazine, providing current information on Surgical Services, Surgical Facility Administration, Outpatient Surgery News and Trends, OR Excellence and more.

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Contents of this Issue


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OBC Arthrex (800) 933-7001 arthrex.com 43 BD (201) 847-6800 bd.com 59 Biodex Medical Systems (800) 224-6339 biodex.com 51 Cygnus Medical (800) 990-7489 cygnusmedical.com IFC Getinge (800) 475-9040 getinge.com 10 Healthmark Industries (800) 521-6224 hmark.com 41 InfuTronix (866) 395-1988 infutronix.com 26 Innomed (800) 548-2362 innomed.net 40 Nephron Pharmaceuticals (800) 443-4313 nephronpharm.com 56 57 OrthoScan (407) 615-8560 ziehm.com 37, 38 Pacira BioSciences (973) 254-3560 pacira.com 27 Pajunk Medical Systems (888) 972-5865 pajunk-usa.com 45 PDI (800) 999-6423 pdipdi.com 50 ProVation Medical (888) 952-6673 provationmedical.com 36 RAC Medical Solutions (855) 798-6685 racmedicalsolutions.com 5 Stryker Surgical Technologies (800) 253-3210 stryker.com 29 SURGI-Sign (866) 888-7222 surgisign.com 54 Surgix Medical Technologies (800) 231-4651 surgixmedical.com 48 TBJ (717) 261-9700 tbjinc.com 49 Total Scope (800) 471-2255 totalscopeinc.com 52 Tricor Systems (847) 742-5542 driscope.com 35 US WorldMeds (877) 411-8796 revonto.com 21 31 Viscot Medical (800) 221-0658 viscot.com Page Company Phone Number Website Ad Index If one or more of the products in this issue grabbed your attention, we can help you learn more! Getting more information about our vendors' exciting products and services has never been easier! Simply email us at getinfo@outpatientsurgery.net and provide the information below. We'll contact the vendor for you—it's that easy! In your email, please just tell us the name of the issue (for example, this is our issue), the page number and the advertiser of each product or service for which you'd like more information. Please be sure to include your name, title, facility, address, phone and email address. We'll pass along the request to our advertisers and they'll reach out to you with more information —it's a breeze! Thank you for being a loyal Outpatient Surgery Magazine reader! Did one of our ads blow you away? We've made it easy for you to request more information!

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