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U T P A T I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E • J A N U A R Y 2 0 2 1
Never Rotate. Never Wait. Never Rotate. Never Wait.
Bi-Plane C-Arm for the O.R. Bi-Plane C-Arm for the O.R.
B-6 Duo
e G-Arm® may increase procedure accuracy, reduce operative time and cumulative radiation dose.
With the need for constant rotation of a traditional C-Arm eliminated, the G-Arm® may also reduce
the possibility of nosocomial infection.
Phone: (800) 231-4651 • Email:
Spine • Orthopedic Trauma • Pain Procedures Spine • Orthopedic Trauma • Pain Procedures
Fujifilm Medical
Systems U.S.A.
Persona C
Designed for a broad range of diagnostic
imaging and minimally invasive surgical
procedures, this C-arm is available with
21cm x 21cm or 30cm x 30cm amorphous
silicon (aSi) flat panel detectors for ultra-
low-dose fluoroscopy. Fujifilm stresses the
unit's easy, precise navigation and imaging
capabilities that include 81cm of free space
for easy positioning around patients, a
removable 8:1 grid for low-dose applica-
tions and a dedicated radiography mode for high-quality still imaging. Images on its two 21.5-inch, fully
height- and angle-adjustable touchscreen monitors can be manipulated from any side via a multi-touch
console. Fujifilm says the C-arm's orbital and angular rotation responds intuitively to operator touch and
feel. Color-coded brakes and axis allow users to reposition the unit quickly, and easy-lift front wheels
steer clear of floor obstacles.