Outpatient Surgery Magazine

Worth Every Penny - January 2021 - Subscribe to Outpatient Surgery Magazine

Outpatient Surgery Magazine, providing current information on Surgical Services, Surgical Facility Administration, Outpatient Surgery News and Trends, OR Excellence and more.

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J A N U A R Y 2 0 2 1 • O U T P A T I E N T S U R G E R Y . N E T • 5 3 W ith so many mobile C-arms available from numerous vendors who offer a wide variety of functionality and unique features, picking the right one for your facility can feel overwhelming. Start by collecting substantial feedback from your OR team and surgeons on what they're looking for from a clinical perspective, and also consider these important factors. • Cost. I've bought several of these devices throughout my career, and you should start your search by determining how much you can, or want to, spend. You can go with brand-new C-arms, which can be quite expensive, or refurbished devices, which are available for less. This year, we bought a secondhand C-arm and had issues with it. We'd purchased the machine, which was made by a well-known manufacturer, from a reseller. That company insured it for a year, but when the warranty expired, I had issues insur- ing the device with its original manufacturer, who made our facility's other C-arm and with whom our preventative maintenance staff and managers had solid relationships. The manufacturer checked out the C-arm and told us the reseller had made aftermarket modifications, including a larger screen that we liked, that needed to be removed before they would insure it. Fourteen thousand dollars later and after much related activity, the C- arm was insured. My point: It sometimes pays to buy new. • Procedural mix. Our spine and pain manage- ment C-arms have nine-inch image intensifiers. But when we started doing hip replacements, we need- ed a 12-inch intensifier so our surgeons could look at both hip bones in one picture. The message here is to fully understand what you'll be using the C- arm for in order to zero in on the device that matches up best with your procedural priorities and budget. • Image quality. Flat panel image detectors on newer machines provide higher-quality pictures, but the key is to protect everyone in the OR from radia- tion exposure while getting useful images. Most C- arms have low-dose modes that use the least amount of radiation for the best possible image. For example, C-arms with a pulsed-image feature are a safer option than models equipped for only continu- ous live imaging. • Power draw. Most mobile C-arms need to be plugged into an electrical outlet, and the draw on that circuit is substantial when the devices C-arms The latest options combine top-notch imaging with user-friendly features. Thinking of Buying… Karen Reiter, RN, CNOR, RNFA, CASC | Newport Beach, Calif. Canon Medical Systems USA SOLTUS 500 us.medical.canon 800-421-1968 This flat-panel detector C-arm, powered by a standard 40kW gen- erator, packs numerous features into a small footprint. A 19-inch touchscreen built into the tube head provides image previews and shows patient information, and allows users to control pinch/zoom functionality. Handy integrated storage spaces can house disinfect- ing wipes, and a rear bin provides space for detector charging and storage. Software features include single-click image processing, the ability to rotate images to any angle for optimal viewing and edge enhancement for better viewing of soft tissue. Pressure-sensitive steering and a telescoping column enhance maneuverability, and an anti-collision system employs sensors located around the C-arm's front bumper that warn of approaching obstructions. Continued on p. 59

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