Outpatient Surgery Magazine

Worth Every Penny - January 2021 - Subscribe to Outpatient Surgery Magazine

Outpatient Surgery Magazine, providing current information on Surgical Services, Surgical Facility Administration, Outpatient Surgery News and Trends, OR Excellence and more.

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Constructive communication UPMC uses a combination of the policies and proce- dures created by recommending bodies such as the PSA, the World Health Organization and The Joint Commission. On top of staying up to date on the newest safety recommendations, Ms. Sebastian's facilities imple- ment their own safety measures, such as the condition stop, which is practiced throughout the entire UPMC network. Staff engagement extends beyond clinical members to involve the risk management and legal departments at UPMC. The risk management staff stays in close contact with PSA. Safety liaisons have held in-services, which are mandatory for operat- ing room staff. Officials from the legal department also periodically in-service staff on consents and Ms. Sebastian's team interacts fre- quently with the PSA. The PSA's structure as a non- regulatory body, detached from the state department of health, allows it to work with facilities on constructive solutions to safety- related issues without the underly- ing threat of citation. This arrange- ment lets PSA maintain confidentiality and work directly with facilities to improve patient care. Ms. Sebastian believes the mandatory reporting of safe- ty incidents in Pennsylvania opens up the lines of communication among facilities, and eliminates the danger of maintaining a sense of secrecy about what happens in the OR. "Surgical professionals want to do the right thing," says Mr. Yonash. "We want to keep patients safe. Honest communication plays a big part in this. We want everyone to work together and to speak up if something doesn't look right." Teamwork, transparency, continued education and staff support have created an excellent environ- ment of safety at UPMC Horizon and Jameson, one to be modeled by other facilities looking to improve practices that prevent wrong-site surgery. "Provide a lot of support and education for your staff," says Ms. Sebastian. "It takes time to make change happen. Stay the course — it won't happen overnight." OSM J A N U A R Y 2 0 2 1 • O U T P A T I E N T S U R G E R Y . N E T • 3 1 DOUBLE TAKE Surgical team members at UPMC huddle each morning to preview the day's case schedule and highlight patients with similar-sounding names. UPMC Jameson viscotcs@viscot.com • 800.221.0658 • www.viscot.com XL Prep Resistant Ink : Red visible after all prep solutions visible on all skin tones call or e-mail for trial gentian violet free prep resistant ink

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