Outpatient Surgery Magazine

Worth Every Penny - January 2021 - Subscribe to Outpatient Surgery Magazine

Outpatient Surgery Magazine, providing current information on Surgical Services, Surgical Facility Administration, Outpatient Surgery News and Trends, OR Excellence and more.

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absolute best part of my job is watching staff interact with patients," says Julie Maiden, director at Surgical Eye Center in Greensboro, N.C. "It's the little things that make me proud and leave zero doubt that I'm where I need to be." For others, professional and personal gratification comes from working for the greater good. "I love the feeling of being a part of something bigger," says Josephine Moreno, RN, BSN, BHA, director of surgical services at Pacifica Hospital of the Valley in Sun Valley, Calif. "I enjoy making a differ- ence from behind the scenes, and like see- ing the entire team working together to care for patients in our community." It's difficult to put a price on personal fulfilment and individual leaders ultimate- ly have to decide what their work is worth to them, according to Ms. Sabo. "I helped build my facility up from a dirt lot to where it is now," she says. "That's been extremely gratifying." Ms. Sabo and her husband plan on road tripping around the western United States when she finally steps away from fulltime employment later this year. She's consider- ing consulting for the center to guide the staff through the reaccreditation process and help her replacement find their footing. She could also work on a per diem basis when fulltime staff members are on vaca- tion. "There are ways to stay involved, with- out having to be responsible," she says. Like many surgical leaders, Ms. Sabo doesn't want to walk away from a facility she considers her own and a career she loves. A paycheck eases the stress of long hours and the constant pressure to provide quality patient care with an eye on the bottom line, but there's more to being a surgical leader than pulling down a nice salary. Money is ultimately a poor motivator, especially in a profession where passion, purposefulness and pride pay off. OSM J A N U A R Y 2 0 2 1 • O U T P A T I E N T S U R G E R Y . N E T • 2 3 Years as a surgical facility leader ASC HOPD 0 to 5 34% 27% 6 to 10 25% 27% 11 to 15 15% 22% 16 to 20 14% 9% 21 to 25 5% 5% More than 25 7% 10% Years in current position ASC HOPD 0 to 5 64% 61% 6 to 10 17% 26% 11 to 15 8% 7% 16 to 20 7% 2% 21 to 25 2% 1% More than 25 2% 3% Age range ASC HOPD 39 and under 17% 9% 40 to 44 10% 14% 45 to 49 17% 12% 50 to 54 14% 17% 55 to 59 18% 26% 60 to 64 17% 14% 65 and over 7% 8% Average hours worked per week ASC HOPD Fewer than 40 9% 4% 40 to 50 58% 56% 51 to 60 27% 29% More than 60 6% 11% The majority of the 452 surgical leaders who responded to our salary survey have been in their current positions for five years or less. There was a rather equitable spread in terms of ages, with the HOPD group trending slightly older. More than one- third of respondents are working more than 50 hours per week, which isn't surprising considering the unprecedented demands they've endured over the past year. — Outpatient Surgery Editors Who's Calling the Shots? BY THE NUMBERS

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