3 4 • S U P P L E M E N T
T O O U T P A T I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E • J A N U A R Y 2 0 2 1
How did you become a social media sensation?
I was friends with Dr. Elvis Francois (aka, the "Singing Surgeon") when we were residents
at the Mayo Clinic. He knew I played piano; I knew he was a gifted vocalist. During down-
time on a 24-hour orthopedic trauma shift, Elvis showed me "Alright" by Mike Yung and
asked if I could put together piano accompaniment. Ten minutes later, we sat down at a
piano in the Mayo Clinic lobby, recorded the song on an iPhone and posted it to social
media. Within 72 hours, the video had three million views. The rest is history.
Why did you record the Music Is Medicine album?
When COVID-19 hit and the country locked down, we recorded John Lennon's
"Imagine," and it went viral. After watching the physical, emotional and eco-
nomic struggles of countless communities, Elvis and I wanted to help. We
recorded Music Is Medicine, an EP that includes "Imagine," Bill Withers'
"Lean on Me," "Alright" and Andra Day's "Rise Up." It peaked at No. 2 on
iTunes and No. 21 on the Billboard charts. All proceeds go to the Center of
Disaster Philanthropy COVID-19 Response Fund, because its mission statement
resonated with us. The fund supports families affected by a COVID-19 diagnosis,
and those who lost their livelihood because of the pandemic's economic impact.
What's the most rewarding part of using music to help during the pandemic?
The worldwide response. We were contacted by a nurse in Italy in the very begin-
ning of the pandemic. She sent us a very vulnerable message about how scared
and intimidated she was to work her regular shifts in the ER for fear of contract-
ing the virus, or worse, bringing it home to her family. She told us that our music
helped give her peace and assurance to head into work on the front lines.
Is there a moment during your rise to fame that stands out?
Several. Michelle Obama shared our video and congratulated us on our accomplish-
ments. We were guests on The View, Good Morning America, Today and the Ellen
DeGeneres Show — where Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson playfully punched me in the
arm! We struck up a friendship with owners of the Indianapolis Motor Speedway and
performed at the Indy 500. But of all moments, the most powerful wasn't high-profile.
Can you tell us about that memory?
Elvis and I were asked to perform "Can't Help Falling in Love" for a couple getting mar-
ried in the ICU. The man required a ventilator, and his condition was terminal. His dying
wish was to marry the love of his life. The wonderful ICU staff arranged an entire wed-
ding, and the man was temporarily taken off the ventilator to exchange vows. Playing for
that couple was one of the most powerful, emotional experiences of my life.
Dr. Robinson (william.robinson@rothmanortho.com) is an orthopedic surgeon at Rothman
Orthopaedic Institute in Philadelphia. Download Music Is Medicine (osmag.net/GaBvD2) and check out
the performance of "Imagine" that went viral (osmag.net/WZ4zoZ).
Q & A
Music Is Medicine for Frontline Heroes
Q&A with William Robinson, MD, the spine surgeon who recorded
an album to benefit communities hit hard by COVID-19.