barriers that prevent cases from
moving out of acute care facilities
and into outpatient ORs. She
believes providers are grasping
the importance and benefit of
same-day surgical care in limiting
hospital stays, and says outpa-
tient facilities should look to cap-
ture overflow cases or proce-
dures that are moved out of hos-
pitals to free up resources for the
treatment of COVID-19 patients.
Surgery centers need to capi-
talize on the opportunity by main-
taining high standards established
during the pandemic, according to
Mr. Deconciliis. "Many facilities
figured out how to survive the
shutdown and provide safe, effec-
tive care moving forward," he
says. "That needs to continue."
By now, says Mr. Deconciliis,
hospitals have curtailed their sur-
gical volume and many surgery
centers have heard from sur-
geons looking for ORs to bring
their outpatient cases. "Facility
leaders need to make accommo-
dations for this increased vol-
ume," he says, "so patients can
get the care they need — even
during a pandemic."
Safe patient care should
always drive decisions regard-
ing when and where surgery
should be performed, points out
Mr. Uba. "We've learned a lot
about how to perform safe sur-
gery during a pandemic, and
our ongoing operations are pro-
viding a much-needed relief
valve for over-crowded hospi-
tals," he says. "Continuing to
schedule cases is better for the
health of our patients, and our
Optimizing OR Capacity is Hard.
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