urgical facilities across the country are ramping case
volumes back up to pre-pandemic levels even as the
coronavirus rages through communities still recovering
from the initial wave. The United States has hit 16 mil-
lion COVID-19 cases and more than 300,000 Americans
have died. Hospital ICUs are reaching full capacity and a difficult win-
ter awaits. Still, despite the grim outlook, many surgical professionals
say elective procedures should continue in outpatient facilities, where
skilled providers spent the better part of last year implementing
revamped protocols that allow for safe patient care.
A N U A R Y 2 0 2 1 • O U T P A T I E N T S U R G E R Y . N E T • 2 1
Surgery During the Surge
Outpatient facilities remain ready to care for
patients, even with COVID-19 infection rates on the rise.
Dan Cook | Editor-in-Chief
TEAM EFFORT Surgical professionals are confident in
their abilities to continue performing procedures during
the pandemic.